Watermelon Mint Salad

Published Monday, August 22, 2022

Watermelon Mint Salad

Submitted by Susie Hamilton, Social Worker, Regional Cancer Care Northwest


2 cups fresh watermelon

100 g low sodium feta cheese

1 lemon

1/4 cup fresh mint

Olive oil

Salt, to taste


  1. Chop watermelon into bite size pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Squeeze juice of lemon over watermelon.
  3. Chop fresh mint roughly and crumble feta cheese, adding both to bowl.
  4. Sprinkle mixture with drizzle of olive oil.
  5. Add pinch of salt and enjoy a refreshing summer salad!


Healthy Eating Tip: Choose a heavy watermelon with a yellow belly. These tend to be the sweetest and juiciest.


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