Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone

Published Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone

Steph Warren (RN, Emergency Department) rediscovered hula hooping about eight years ago at a hoop class at the Canada Games Complex and eventually found herself at a hula hoop retreat in Malaysia. “Not only is hooping a great core workout, I find it so beneficial for my mental health. I love to put on some good music and lose myself in the flow state. It’s a great stress reliever. I also love watching others rediscover the joy of hula hooping. I think the hoop makes people smile and laugh because it reconnects us to our inner child and reminds us to be playful.”

When was the last time you tried something new?

It can be tempting to live our lives just staying in our comfort zone. That’s why incorporating small behavior changes into our lives and trying new things can help us push forward. It can help us reach our goals and live life to the fullest.

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Trying new things outside of our comfort zone can put us in a vulnerable position and the fear of the unknown or what others think can often stop us from doing so. It is called our ‘comfort zone’ for a reason. However, pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zone is actually a good thing because it allows us to expand our minds and discover new things about ourselves.

Personal growth is a journey that never ends. We evolve each day by building new relationships, learning to love ourselves, and becoming more self-aware. Leaving our comfort zone means stepping outside of our normal routines and habits and doing things that may scare us. No one can force us to try new things or change our habits, but even small changes can improve our quality of life, and help us to enjoy the little things in life. We just have to find ways that are right for us.

Whether we are looking for a new activity to occupy our time or if we are looking to expand our social circle, stepping out of our comfort zone and trying a new activity or hobby may be the solution.

Wondering where to start? Start by making a plan. By knowing where our comfort zone ends and what our goals are, we can create a plan and determine what steps are needed to reach each goal. Creating a list of all the things we want to do and researching them in advance can make things less overwhelming and less frightening.

Three ways to step out of your comfort zone and try something new:

  1. Join a New Group (in person or virtually) to meet new people. Search for a hobby you are interested in and find out what community or online groups are out there.
  2. Learn a New Skill like playing a new instrument, learning a new language, creating gifts for others, or working on a new form of exercise. Learning something new expands our minds and increases our confidence!
  3. Try Different Foods. There are countless recipes online for cooks of all levels. Look for something that is different than what you normally make and prepare it with the family or have a “New Dish” potluck with friends.


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