Branch 5 Poppy Fund Supports New PET/CT

Published Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Branch 5 Poppy Fund Supports New PET/CT

by Graham Strong

Thirty-five years ago, the Royal Canadian Legion Port Arthur Branch No. 5 supported a special campaign called the CAT Scan Fund. Donors from across Northwestern Ontario brought the region’s very first CT scanner to McKellar Hospital in 1988. At the time, the cutting-edge device represented a huge technological breakthrough in diagnostic imaging.

Fast forward to today, and Branch 5 is supporting the latest in diagnostic imaging once again: the Hospital’s new PET/CT scanner. Our original PET scanner was used for imaging cancer tumours in real time. This next-generation scanner can also be used for other diseases including providing 3D heart images for cardiac care. The upgraded scanner provides faster and sharper images for better results.

Branch 5 generously donated $20,000 towards the new unit.

Katriina Myllymaa, President of Branch 5, said that healthcare has always been a priority for the Royal Canadian Legion.

“Our mandate is to help support veterans, so we want to donate to areas where our veterans will benefit most,” Myllymaa said. “Of course, healthcare is an important issue for us all. The older you get, the more health issues you can develop.”

Other healthcare programs Branch 5 has supported over the years include cardiovascular surgery services, angioplasty, MRI upgrades, a retinal imaging camera, and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre building fund in the early 2000s. The reception area in Surgical Daycare is named in recognition of their support. In total, Branch 5 has donated $178,000 over the years to support healthcare initiatives to benefit veterans – and all patients in Northwestern Ontario.

Proceeds for these programs came directly from Branch 5’s Poppy Fund. 

“Every November, we give out poppies and collect donations from the community to support our Poppy Campaign,” Myllymaa said. “From there, we look for projects in need of funding. Our executive committee decides what seems most appropriate for our members.”

This is another great example of how dropping some coins or even bills into the Poppy donation boxes helps everyone in our community.

“The Legions are here to help the people of the community, and we need the community to support us as well,” she said.

Next November, don’t forget to support the Poppy Campaign. You’ll be supporting veterans and everyone in the community.


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