Thanks for Three Great Years

Published Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Thanks for Three Great Years

Message from Parker Jones
Chair, Board of Directors, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation

Serving as Chair of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation Board of Directors during the COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges, yet we achieved remarkable milestones. The Foundation was in a difficult position. Our Hospital needed our help more than ever, but how do you raise funds during a lockdown? The Board discussed this, of course, not in person but via Webex, the Zoom-like virtual meeting space our Hospital uses – another sign of the times.

Many of our annual events had to go on hiatus. Others shifted online, such as the Bachelors for Hope Charity Auction. The Tbaytel Motorcycle Ride for Dad turned into the contactless Tbaytel Cruise for Dad, allowing participants to do their own poker runs to 10 different locations around the city. Even though we couldn't meet face-to-face, these events delivered when we needed social connection the most. Full credit goes to the dedicated volunteers who ran these events and reimagined them. Their ingenuity, commitment, and enthusiasm during difficult times turned these events into something special. As always, a huge thanks to all who participated.

Another fundraising idea that came out of the pandemic was the Thunder Bay 50/50 Draw. I can safely say that this became more successful than anyone at the Foundation or on the Board guessed. As I have said before, everyone wins with Thunder Bay 50/50 since we are able to Do More Faster. The draw helped fund new equipment at our Hospital including a new MRI, new PET/CT, and a new Cath Lab to provide our patients with better, closer-to-home care. Thanks to Thunder Bay 50/50, there is so much more to come for our Hospital and in turn for patients all across Northwestern Ontario.

Personally, it was a time of ups and downs as well. My wife and I welcomed our new baby while I was Chair. Our family also had our own healthcare issues that forced us to stay in Toronto for care. Experiencing the challenges of travelling for healthcare firsthand reinforced my commitment to ensuring better, closer-to-home care for our community. Everyone is safe and healthy now, but it reinforced why I took up this cause in the first place.

I'm stepping down now as Chair after my three-year term, but I'll still be with the Foundation. Thank you to everyone who helped during my term. Thanks especially to the donors, who despite all the hardships we all went through, did – and gave – what they could for the sake of our patients.

I am proud of what we have accomplished together. Our innovative fundraising efforts and the unwavering support of our community have significantly enhanced patient care in Northwestern Ontario. I look forward to continuing my involvement and witnessing the continued growth and success of our Foundation. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our mission during these unprecedented times.

Thank you all.

Parker Jones


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