22nd Annual Tbaytel Motorcycle Ride for Dad a Roaring Success

Published Tuesday, June 25, 2024

22nd Annual Tbaytel Motorcycle Ride for Dad a Roaring Success

500 Club Members Presenting This Year's Total Raised. (L-R) Fred Freamo, Krista Tompkins, David Moscall, Walter Schincariol, John Pascuzzo, Kai Knudsen, Lyle Knudsen, Mike Kopot, Marcel Templeman, Mary Mavar, Laurie Matychuk, Patrick Lockert, Sumiye Saguwara, Jean-Yves Gervais.  *Not pictured: Adam Morton

If you thought you heard early morning thunder on the South side of town this past Father's Day weekend, you were not completely wrong. 200 bikes kicked off the thunderous Roar for the Cure, igniting an incredible day of riding and fundraising at the Tbaytel Motorcycle Ride for Dad, presented by PDR Contracting.

This marked the event's 22nd year, with organizers aiming to raise $50,000 for a prostate cancer-specific drug. In a heart-warming outcome, the final tally reached $59,939, surpassing expectations and fostering a shared sense of achievement among all participants, knowing that these funds will directly benefit the Northern Cancer Fund for prostate cancer in Thunder Bay.

Fourteen riders and one volunteer took the fundraising challenge very seriously raising an impressive $32,066 collectively for the cause. These participants are now members of the coveted 500 Club who have earned free registration for next year's ride, the opportunity to ride at the front of the parade in 2025, a lovely 500 Club pin, and bragging rights. They have also made a tremendous contribution to our community. At this year's event, five new attendees achieved the 500 Club level, raising over $500 as an individual, which organizers say is important to see the connection to the cause strengthen at this event.

Events like these offer a wonderful opportunity to rebuild the sense of community that has been challenged in the years following COVID-19. They are especially impactful when our community comes together to support important causes like prostate cancer, considering that 1 in every 7 men will be diagnosed in their lifetime. It's a reminder of our ability to make a difference collectively, fostering support and unity to address significant challenges with compassion and determination.

The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every person who made a donation to this cause, and encourages men to continue to talk about prostate health. As Urologist Dr. Shahrour put it at the event “a prostate cancer diagnosis is no longer a death sentence and that is thanks to the awareness that events like these provide.


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