Happy Summer

Published Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Happy Summer

For most of us, summer is indisputably the season of choice; long sunny days, barbeque dinners with friends, and vacations with family. It is a time to explore, connect, and rest.

While estate planning might not be high on your list of things to do this summer, it is a time that allows you to at least think about it, talk about it with your family, and seek advice.

A Will that is thoughtfully constructed can protect the people and causes that are most important to you. A gift in your Will to the Health Sciences Foundation can equip specialists with the latest tools and technology, fund life-saving research, and improve healthcare in our community for future generations.

Interested in starting a conversation? Contact me by phone at (807) 684-7110 or by reply email to lee-anne.camlin@healthsciencesfoundation.ca. All inquiries will remain confidential with no obligation.

Wishing you a safe and happy summer,

Lee-Anne Camlin
Manager, Legacy Giving


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