Joining the Movement: Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Helps to Wake the Giant

Published Monday, March 9, 2020

Joining the Movement: Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Helps to Wake the Giant

Crystal Pirie, Senior Director of Indigenous Collaboration is proud of the Hospital’s participation in the Wake the Giant project.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre has signed on to help “Wake the Giant” as part of its commitment to becoming a more welcoming environment for Indigenous patients and families.

“Our Hospital is committed to improving experiences and outcomes for Indigenous patients and families by providing care that is culturally relevant and sensitive, in a welcoming environment,” said Crystal Pirie, Senior Director of Indigenous Collaboration. “We are very supportive of the project and share their commitment to being an inclusive and welcoming space for Indigenous youth.”

Wake the Giant is a cultural awareness project in Thunder Bay that identifies inclusive spaces throughout the city, while committing businesses and organizations to share education and resources with employees, staff, and the community at large.

“We are proud to have Wake the Giant window decals installed on our Hospital entrances as a way to signify our partnership with the project,” said Pirie. “We have also committed to teaching our employees, physicians and volunteers to be more inclusive and welcoming. Partnerships like this are a great complement to our existing commitments and goals within Indigenous Health.” 

To learn more about Wake the Giant and how you can join the movement, please visit

To learn more about our Hospital’s commitment to Indigenous Health, please visit


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