New Fundraising Initiative Takes Flight at 2024 Tbaytel Luncheon of Hope

Published Monday, September 9, 2024

New Fundraising Initiative Takes Flight at 2024 Tbaytel Luncheon of Hope

The Tree of Hope, currently set up at the Tents and Events showroom, gives an example of what HOPE will look like this October.

In an inspiring addition for this year's Tbaytel Luncheon of Hope, taking place at The Superior Inn on October 4th, 2024, the Health Sciences Foundation will unveil the "Tree of Hope." This new fundraising initiative is designed to offer community members a unique way to honor loved ones while supporting breast cancer research. Running in conjunction with the Tbaytel Luncheon of Hope and Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, this initiative aims to fill a beautifully adorned tree with pink and purple butterflies, each representing a personal message of hope or remembrance.

For just $20, participants can purchase a butterfly to be hung on the Tree of Hope, which will be prominently displayed at both the luncheon event and in the hospital lobby throughout October. These butterflies can be personalized in several meaningful ways: individuals may write the names of loved ones they've lost, those they're currently thinking about, or simply leave a message of hope. If you prefer to keep your message private, you can choose to leave your butterfly blank.

The Tree of Hope provides a new, heartfelt way for people to contribute to the Northern Cancer Fund, especially for those who might not be able to attend the Luncheon of Hope in person. The Tree of Hope will serve as a focal point for the event and a powerful visual display throughout October. The butterflies, inscribed by Foundation staff, will be hung on the tree for all to see, creating a living tribute to courage, resilience, and community support.

"It was really important for me to find a way for those who may be uncomfortable attending or unable to make the event to still support it," said Haley Werbowetski, Event Officer for the Health Sciences Foundation. "The statistics are still alarming with 1 in 8 women being diagnosed with breast cancer in their life time so we hope that by filling the tree with butterflies, we can not only increase fundraising for this event, but show a collective effort to support the women in our community."

All the butterflies from the Tree of Hope will be kept until next year, and used as a display at the event in 2025. The hope is that women who come to the event are constantly reminded that they are loved and that hope is always present.

Organizers are encouraging everyone to participate in this meaningful initiative. The goal is to see the Tree of Hope in full bloom by the end of October, creating a vibrant and inspiring display. It's no accident that the tree will be visible from the Cancer Centre.

The Health Sciences Foundation would like to thank Equipment World Rentals for supporting this initiative and thank Tents and Events Rentals for supplying the beautiful tree.

Let's come together to make the Tree of Hope a symbol of unity and support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Butterflies can be purchased online now where tickets for the Tbaytel Luncheon of Hope are sold: They can be also purchased in person at the donation centre or at the event itself. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for your donation.


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